The packaging and graphics are simple, like “pour it in the trash”. The manufacturer recommends mixing 3-6%, it seems very economical. I mixed the aroma in a 5% ratio of 70VG-30-PG, which I let rest for six days. Based on the description, it contains Lemon, Apple and a little cooler. The smell is clearly Lemon and Apple. The taste was a little below my expectations, although I don’t even know what I expected from this combo of two fruits. The lemon dominates with the höösite and the apple…
The packaging and graphics are simple, like “pour it in the trash”. The manufacturer recommends mixing 3-6%, it seems very economical. I mixed the aroma in a 5% ratio of 70VG-30-PG, which I let rest for six days. Based on the description, it contains Lemon, Apple and a little cooler. The smell is clearly Lemon and Apple. The taste was a little below my expectations, although I don’t even know what I expected from this combo of two fruits. The lemon dominates with the höösite and the apple…
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