Guys i need help i wasted like 6 pre made coils since i buy them and bunch of cottons no matter what i do i cannot get my RDA to give me flavor i ger big clouds but it taste like water almost,
The rda is a Wasp VLS rda soposed to be good.,
Anyway i start with puttin in coils vertically(dualcore) i do power pulses and scrape with screwdrivee till it blows evenely and inside out..
Then i wick it i use japense organic kendo cotton made for vaping ,i tried with alot of wick,then i tried with…
The rda is a Wasp VLS rda soposed to be good.,
Anyway i start with puttin in coils vertically(dualcore) i do power pulses and scrape with screwdrivee till it blows evenely and inside out..
Then i wick it i use japense organic kendo cotton made for vaping ,i tried with alot of wick,then i tried with…
Guys i need help i wasted like 6 pre made coils since i buy them and bunch of cottons no matter what i do i cannot get my RDA to give me flavor i ger big clouds but it taste like water almost,
The rda is a Wasp VLS rda soposed to be good.,
Anyway i start with puttin in coils vertically(dualcore) i do power pulses and scrape with screwdrivee till it blows evenely and inside out..
Then i wick it i use japense organic kendo cotton made for vaping ,i tried with alot of wick,then i tried with…
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