Solub Mythologique Minos

Another member of the Mythologique monster family, Helos, the Greek, half-man, half-bull, visited me in the form of an aroma. Solub already has a similar aroma, which I have already written a test about, both of them taste like strawberry candy, but this one is a little different. The aroma is a nice bright red, which remains even after mixing. It really smells like a strawberry candy, which reminded me of the bag of hard candy. With 10%+ mixing, we get a sweet, candy-like, and appropriately…

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Another member of the Mythologique monster family, Helos, the Greek, half-man, half-bull, visited me in the form of an aroma. Solub already has a similar aroma, which I have already written a test about, both of them taste like strawberry candy, but this one is a little different. The aroma is a nice bright red, which remains even after mixing. It really smells like a strawberry candy, which reminded me of the bag of hard candy. With 10%+ mixing, we get a sweet, candy-like, and appropriately…

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