Strange & Perplexing | Public Health Intransigence Over Nicotine Vaping | RegWatch on GFN.TV (Rewind)
Harm reduction warrior shares frustration over public health’s strident refusal to consider nicotine vaping in the fight to end deadly forms of tobacco use. *Guest: Fiona Patten, Leader of The Reason Party, M.P. for Northern Metropolitan Region, Legislative Council, Parliament of Victoria…
Strange & Perplexing | Public Health Intransigence Over Nicotine Vaping | RegWatch on GFN.TV (Rewind)
Harm reduction warrior shares frustration over public health’s strident refusal to consider nicotine vaping in the fight to end deadly forms of tobacco use. *Guest: Fiona Patten, Leader of The Reason Party, M.P. for Northern Metropolitan Region, Legislative Council, Parliament of Victoria…